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About Us

Woiron International Transport and Spedition is located in Warszaw (Poland) and founded in 2001. We operate 35 frigo trucks - 33 euro pallets - with ATP certificate, FRC, thermographs allowing temperature level recording and euro pallets for exchanges. Our workers have International Spedition Certificate FIATA and speak foreign languages (French, English). All our transported loads are insured.
We deliver all the European Community (EC). Our activity is mainly focused on transport from/to Poland however we regulary have trucks in Belgium, Holland and France, Spain so we also use to transport goods:
From Belgium to France, Holland, Spain, Germany, and sometimes to United Kingdom, Ireland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary
From France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, United kingdom, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary to Belgium.
From Spain to Poland, France, Germany, Belgiun, Nederlands, Our transport offer is quite flexible so for futher details do not hesitate to contact us:
By e-mail: woiron@woiron.com.pl
By mail:
Woiron Transport i Spedycja Międzynarodowa
ul.Chełmińska 91
80-299 Gdańsk